Helping you drive up occupancy
Retirement Living: from Vacant to Vibrant
From Vacant to Vibrant: Strategies for Boosting Retirement Home Occupancy The face of retirement living has transformed over the last decade with changes influenced by
Redefining Marketing To The Over 65s
Why it’s time to say goodbye to hearing aids and mobility scooters. A quick channel hop through afternoon TV would suggest that marketing to the
The Power Of Customer Choice
Research from Autumna showed 48% of enquiries about retirement properties, were for rental. Remarkably recent research from Autumna showed 48% of enquiries about retirement properties,
The importance of relevance in retaining market share
Together with the staffing crisis that the industry is grappling with, one theme has dominated discussions over the last few months – what are hotels doing to service the post-Covid traveller?
What is the one question hotels should be asking?
We are in the midst of a period of seismic transformation within the hospitality industry. Businesses are under pressure to adapt to the changing environment.