+44 0203 538 8018

Growth Tips

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target an audience
Growth Tips

Target an audience

Target and audience. Ready, Aim, Fire! It’s so distressing when you feel like your business is wasting resources.

Growth Tips

K.I.S.S – Keep it simple

Over-complicating, over-talking – there is a great skill in being able to make the complicated simple. Learn examples of great simplicity delivered by companies.

inverted hierarchy
Growth Tips

Inverted hierarchy

‘The Iceberg of Ignorance’ study shows that only 4% of an organization’s front-line problems are known by top management, and 9% are known by middle management.

Growth Tips

The dreaded hippo

Are you aware of the dreaded HiPPO? We explore this important concept to be aware of.

Customer Service Top 10
Growth Tips

Customer service top 10

The Institute of Customer Service research shows the strong link between customer service and business performance. Well done to the top 10 leaders.

Growth Tips

TCUP: Thinking calmly under pressure

In business, like sports, there are lots of high pressure moments – we share some practical tools to keeping your cool.

marginal gains
Growth Tips

Power of marginal gains

The most successful people believe in the theory of marginal gains. They never stop learning. Learn tips to improve your business success.

eq vs iq
Growth Tips

Importance of EQ vs IQ

Emotional intelligence is 80% of career success. There are 4 parts to it which we cover.

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