+44 0203 538 8018

Best engagement during Lockdown

white stage

And the winner for the best engagement in Lockdown goes to ……. drumroll 🥁 Please vote and let me know great examples in the comments. Communicating and connecting during lockdown is a win-win commercially and for customers.

Research states that it is far more costly to acquire new customers vs retaining existing customers. Brands need to be creatively present and hungry which can be achieved with very low budget.

I have been most impressed by my Hairdresser RUSH Hair & Beauty
who have rang me to check-in and confirm future dates. I feel cared for and excited to go, and they ensure they have my loyalty.

Going one step further, brands can use their customer data to segment audiences to create personalised communications tailored to specific interests and maximise revenues with value-added packages. E.g. Pet Staycations 🐶🏩

Other creative inspiring examples are:
– Live social media events with Aromatherapy Associates
– Differentiating and compelling emails from Alexander Hotels Collection

Commercial Acceleration 9

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