+44 0203 538 8018

Inverted hierarchy

inverted hierarchy

Do you know who invented the Frappucino? An inverted hierarchy model is excellent for creating an engaged and agile organisation. 😀 One where employees are motivated and know how to resolve problems.

‘The Iceberg of Ignorance’ study shows that only 4% of an organization’s front-line problems are known by top management, and 9% are known by middle management. ❗❗

Does everyone in your organisation have an awareness of the uncomfortable truths? Do you encourage solutions vs problems?

Ensuring employees are engaged and empowered to act on issues and opportunities translates to value for customers.

Also seeking input from customers about their changing needs and wants delivers great value and #profitability. Starbucks didn’t invent the Frappuccino – it was through listening and acting on a customer’s idea.

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