The power of resilience

power of resilience

When my husband was a teenager, his group of friends would try to chat up people in nightclubs and he told me that they expected to get turned down 9 times out of 10. But on the tenth attempt, there usually would be a interested connection. This analogy is similar to Sales : having grit, perseverance and passion to keep going.

Particularly in these unique times, arming ourselves with tools and tricks to stay resilient is key💪. I find it useful to imagine a protective shield around me, like a bubble that prevents negative penetration.

How do you build your power of resilience? 💪

Research found that during the last recession, those companies that were quick to react grew at 17%.

Tips for being resilient:

🙋🏽Have a growth mindset – be open to constant learning and adapt quickly

😊 Control the ‘controllables’ – like your attitude & response

✅ Surround yourself with positive people

🎊 Celebrate small and big wins

🧑🏾‍💻 Embrace failure as a way to grow fast

🙅‍♀️ Choose your response vs reacting

🧘🏼‍♂️ Be kind to yourself – have rejuventating breaks

⭐️ Choose a positive attitude – your only limit is you

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