+44 0203 538 8018

The power of resilience

power of resilience

When my husband was a teenager, his group of friends would try to chat up people in nightclubs and he told me that they expected to get turned down 9 times out of 10. But on the tenth attempt, there usually would be a interested connection. This analogy is similar to Sales : having grit, perseverance and passion to keep going.

Particularly in these unique times, arming ourselves with tools and tricks to stay resilient is key💪. I find it useful to imagine a protective shield around me, like a bubble that prevents negative penetration.

How do you build your power of resilience? 💪

Research found that during the last recession, those companies that were quick to react grew at 17%.

Tips for being resilient:

🙋🏽Have a growth mindset – be open to constant learning and adapt quickly

😊 Control the ‘controllables’ – like your attitude & response

✅ Surround yourself with positive people

🎊 Celebrate small and big wins

🧑🏾‍💻 Embrace failure as a way to grow fast

🙅‍♀️ Choose your response vs reacting

🧘🏼‍♂️ Be kind to yourself – have rejuventating breaks

⭐️ Choose a positive attitude – your only limit is you

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lead generation strategy blog
Later Living

Lead Generation Strategies for Later Living Communities

Effective lead generation is crucial as we connect with potential residents and their families, ensuring we meet their unique needs and preferences. Understanding these needs helps us form genuine connections with the later living community.

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