Think Calmly Under Pressure “TCUP”


I took a sip of hot coffee whilst presenting on Zoom this morning and the lid dropped off and coffee spilled all over my lap. Silently squeezing my thighs and holding my breath, I tried to keep my composure, whilst sorting myself out.

Stressful moments happen all the time in business. People shouting at you; being passive aggressive; presentations; difficult conversations…….etc etc

How do you stay calm and think correctly under pressure?

EQ is 80% of success in business in my view.

My top tips are:
💪🏻 Responding vs reacting – you can choose your response
🧘🏻‍♂️ Have tools to stay calm – for me it’s breathing deeply; planting feet on ground; being curious; remembering what really matters
😀 Surround yourself with people who lift you up and not drainers

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